History and Heritage

Ystalyfera and District

Ystalyfera - South Wales

His Part in the War

The many friends of Mr. Barry Lyndon (when off stage he is known as Mr. John David Smith) and a brother to Mr and Mrs. Frederick Rees (Bristol House) Ystalyfera, the well-known Welsh vocalist, will be pleased to hear that he is a great favourite with the boys in khaki.
In he has been entertaining the troops at the front for the last few months and has by popular request extended his tour.
He was one of Miss Lena Ashwell's party in France, and the famous actress has now engaged him to sing in concerts all over London. On Saturday he was one of the artistes at the Press Club memorial service, and on Sunday he was at Aldershot, whilst this week he sings nightly at Ciro's (Y.M.C.A.).

An example of a Pennyfarthing bicycle, shown centre. Named for its different-size wheels, riding it took a high degree of skill - and probably luck!

I came across this picture of a Penny Farthing Bicycle in the Guardian Newspaper of 5th August 1967 with the caption underneath:
A Coventry schoolmaster, Mr Peter Crampton, is escorted along Kennington Road London, at the end of his ride from Coventry on a penny-farthing-bicycle. He made the trip to aid the funds of the Church of England Children’s Society. Sponsors paid him sums of money for each mile he covered.

I wonder how many miles the Smith brothers rode on their penny-farthing?